You Are Being Brainwashed By This Outdated Cybersecurity Myth And It Could Be Costing You Major Profitability

All-in-One Doesn’t Mean One-Size-Fits-All 

The size of your business (or budget) shouldn’t limit your ability to combat cyber threats. A cybersecurity platform can be easy to install, easy to manage, and provide the protection and support you need – at a price you can afford. 

If You Don’t Care About Boosting Year-End Profitability or Keeping Customers Happy and Safe, Keep Scrolling

In their Internet Crime Report, the FBI cites that there have been 3.26 million complaints and $27.6 billion losses about internet scams over the past five years. These staggering numbers are increasingly affecting small and medium-sized businesses with phishing named a leading cyber threat. Yikes! Don’t let these bad actors take a bite out of your bottom line. 

Phishing scams targeting small businesses are a gold mine for criminals. These scammers can cause significant damage to businesses by compromising data, holding money hostage, requesting ransom, and more. Phishing scams are often sent through malware links that can be delivered through email, direct or private messages on social media, and more. These messages often include requests to send personal information. When in doubt, don’t click on any clicks. Delete them! 

Work Safer, Work Smarter, and Spend Less 

We’ve partnered with Judy Security to offer three levels of protection to meet you where you are now and continue on as your trusted cybersecurity solution as your business grows.

Scalable and built specifically to offer the protection you need, Judy’s solutions are simple to use, AI-enabled and all-in-one, which is perfect for small businesses and franchises that are facing an evolving cybersecurity crisis. These cybersecurity solutions are successful because they encompass multiple layers of protection, including antivirus, email security, firewall, real-time threat detection, 24/7 monitoring, and automatic updates. Built using the latest AI and machine-learning technology, Judy leverages a robust set of features to protect your brand, customers, and bottom line. 

Click Here if You’re Ready to Boost Profitability, Protect Your Customers, and Keep Scammers Away!