Protect Your Business From Hackers and Phishing Scams 

According to a Maryland University study, hackers attack every 39 seconds.  Small businesses are increasingly targeted for such attacks.  Is your business protected? 

Maven IT specializes in IT Security to keep threats at bay, so you can stay focused on running your business.  In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, here are some helpful tips from our team of experts to help safeguard your company from cybercrimes. 

Pandemic-Proof Your Business 

Since the onset of COVID-19, the US FBI witnessed a 300 percent increase in reported cybercrimes.

Hackers are attacking home networks as companies allow employees to work remotely.  If you are a business with remote employees or a work-from-home policy, consider equipping employees’ homes with firewall solutions to protect your corporate data.  Managed Work From Home IT solutions also offer an easy fix for vulnerable home networks. 

Not Your Typical Nigerian Prince Email Scams 

While the notorious Nigerian prince email scams (which still fool people and bring in more than $700,000 per year) may seem obvious to distinguish, phishing emails have become very sophisticated and difficult to detect. 

Google has been in overdrive since the onset of the pandemic blocking ~18 million email scams per day in addition to ~240 million daily spam messages.  However, the savvier phishing attacks still slip through even the best email providers’ systems. 

Pop Quiz: Which is the Legitimate Email?

Trick question!  All of these emails are SPAM!  Warning: Do not click and heed these helpful tips from our resident IT experts: 

  • Do not click on or open attachments in emails that are from an unfamiliar email address. 
  • Verify the source.  If you receive an email from a company that you do business or are familiar with, call them to verify the authenticity of the email before clicking on any links or downloading attachments. 

Additionally, you should always:

  • Create unique passwords for each of your personal and business accounts, and change them often.  We understand this can be an annoying task.  Ask us about our Password Manager offering. 
  • Enable two-factor authentication when possible. 
  • Back up your data regularly.

Don’t be a statistic!  Step up your IT security measures today.